Project Portfolio

This is a selection of techical projects I've built end-to-end either in my free time or courses at the University of Chicago and UC Berkeley
  • This website! (June 2019) | HTML/CSS, Skeleton Framework, JQuery

  • Product
  • Speeko Website Redesign (Summer 2019) - I redesigned Speeko's website after conducting competitive research and writing fresh website copy.
  • Speeko Recordings Feature (Summer 2019) - I completed user research and used A/B testing to create authoritative, engaging in-app messages.
  • Speeko Drip Marketing Campaign (Summer 2019) - I conducted cohort analysis, targeted users, and wrote 14 onboarding, engagement, win-back, and survey emails.
  • Chicago Housing Data Project (May 2019) - A tool where users can explore comparisons between Chicago neighborhoods' levels of needs and resources.
  • bGlass (May 2017) - A smart textbook (iOS) prototype completed in UC Berkeley's semester-long Design Methodologies course on a four-person team. My role consisted of creating user journeys, wireframes, and user tests | Figma, Adobe Illustrator

  • Data
  • How Do Men and Women Perceive Tech's Gender Gap? (May 2018) - A flexible data visualization of skewed perceptions of gendered inequity in tech using PEW Research Center data | Javascript, React, HTML
  • How Do TED Talks Make Us Feel? (April 2018) - A data visualization of Ted Talk viewers’ emotional responses to videos using key design principles | JavaScript, D3.js, HTML, Python, Juptyter Notebook, Kaggle Dataset
  • Data Science Research Module (August 2017) - A lesson supplement for a UC Berkeley English class to understand demographic shifts in San Francisco's Chinatown | Python, Pandas, Numpy, Jupyter Notebooks
  • Music Classifier Data Science Module(June 2017) - A k-nearest-neighbors classifier that categorizes songs as hip-hop or country based on song lyrics completed during UC Berkeley's Foundations of Data Science course | Python, Jupter Notebook
  • OOP Ants (April 2017) - Various insects go to war, with GUI Interface; completed during UC Berkeley's CS61A course. | Python, JavaScript
  • Yelp Maps (March 2017) - A machine learning project that creates visualizations of restaurant ratings completed during UC Berkeley's CS61A course. | Python, Yelp Academic Dataset

  • Web
  • Speeko SEO (Summer 2019) - Optimized keywords for use in copywriting; researched and implemented SEO practices to increase organic SERP rankings.
  • Blackstone Bicycle Works Web Optimization (May 2019) - A civic tech project through UChicago's TechTeam to increase search engine visibility | HTML/CSS, Google Search Console
  • Digital Archive Validator (May 2018) - A command-line tool to perform quality assessment on over 4,000 digital directories, improving the efficiency of the University of Chicago's digitization workflows | Python, Django, argparse
  • Voteworthy (August 2016) - An online news aggregator to help teens make informed votes in the 2016 presidential election | HTML/CSS, JavaScript, Tint API
<> by yours truly